Praktiker uses e-satisfaction to understand where online visitors come from!
One of the most common questions Marketers have to answer is “does my advertising budget have the result I want to have?”. Praktiker wanted to answer this question and more specifically to understand if the marketing efforts that are made both in digital and physical space generate traffic for the online store of Praktiker, the e-shop
Common analytics platforms do a great job in providing insights related to digital channels and are great at telling how many visitors come from digital mediums. However, they do not answer how much impact and traffic the physical stores generate to the e-shop or what is the impact that a TV campaign had. The reason that web analytics tools cannot provide this information is that it can only be measured by asking the visitors of the e-shop and not by examining their previous click or their behaviour in the e-shop.
This is where e-satisfaction came to help Praktiker. The platform of e-satisfaction has been built to help e-businesses collect credible feedback from visitors and customers, understand what this feedback actually means and leverage this feedback to generate value. One of the mechanisms that e-satisfaction uses, on the understand part, is the custom questions, which are questions that can be added at any stage of the customer’s shopping journey, purposed to get a better understanding on what is in the mind of the visitors and customers. In the case of Praktiker, the challenge was to understand where visitors come from, so a custom question was asked at the browsing stage (shortly after a visitor enters the e-shop), asking customers what was the last place they interacted or saw Praktiker before visiting the website, i.e. information from store/newsletter, family or friend recommendation, TV ad etc..
With this mechanism Praktiker got repsones from more than 17.000 visitors of, reaching to a conclusion that the major traffic source of (45%) is the network of physical stores, and that printed leaflets are also doing a great job in bringing customers to the e-shop. Also, by asking its online visitors, Praktiker realized that TV campaigns did generate traffic, but this traffic did not exceed 10% of the visitors in the e-shop whch can be considered a small percentage if compared with the rest of the channels.
By using the custom questions mechanism provided by e-satisfaction, Praktiker now has a number of the effect that each of the available channels have in digital traffic and can have a clearer estimate on the real effectiveness of both digital and media marketing budget.