e-satisfaction works in the context of e-Business, so in our dashboard you will  not find infinite combinations of dimensions and metrics, rather a carefully selected set of charts that are those you need to make decisions. 


Our dashboard consist of different sections that contain customer’s feedback and provide different information. Namely, an e-Business can easily have an overview of the collected feedback but they can also monitor customer’s comments as well as a detailed report of their feedback. A very important section of e-satisfaction’s dahsboard, is the You vs Market, where an e-Business can compare their satisfaction scores with the industry averages in terms of the provided customer experience. Click here to read more about the You vs Market Benchmarking feature of e-satisfaction.

In our dashboard you will find all the necessary configurations for your account. You will be able to set your own Humanized Marketing Automations with 4 simple steps, which do not include any technicalities. Click here, to learn how to leverage your e-Business with our exciting and esay to set up Humanized Marketing Automations. 



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