e-satisfaction is the only solution in the market that collects feedback across the entire customer journey, as the out of the box ask mechanisms provided by e-satisfaction ask customers an all three stages, Browse, Checkout and After Sales. These mechanisms complement each other to generate a holistic customer feedback view of the customer’s experience and are always on to provide insight and continuous feedback from customers.
The common characteristic of all these mechanisms are that they are extremely friendly for users to respond and do not interrupt their experience in an e-business website, rather they enhance it!
Browse Questions
When visitors enter the website and spend a significant amount of time browsing, a small, non disturbing, one-click-to-answer question is displayed, followed by an open text field where they can leave any comment they want. A really powerful mechanism that provides insights from visitors, that can also be configured to either be displayed on specific sections of the website, targeting specific customers that are at a specific stage of their journey.
Checkout Questionnaires
The best place to ask customers is the moment they become your customers. Checkout Questionnaires are displayed right at the moment customers finish the checkout process and are transfered to the thank you page. Friendly for users and strictly one-paged, Checkout Questionnaires include a set of questions that helps e-business get feedback from actual customers. Credible, real feedback from real customers!
After Sales Survey
It is hard to control and get in touch with customers after they leave the website. After Sales Survey is the collection mechanism that provides really useful insights from customers that have experienced everything the business can offer them and can provide complete feedback, when they complete this experience, not before that, not after that.
OmniChannel Surveys
As e-business is an omnichannel task, the customers who buy in the offline world should be able to provide their feedback too! Omnichannel Surveys is the mechanism used to collect feedback from these customers and is based on SMS messages or emails that are sent to customers when they visit a physical point.
Discover the power of your customers!