Service Level Of Agreement (SLA)
1. Agreement Overview
This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement (“SLA” or “Agreement”) between e-satisfaction SA (the “Service Provider”) and any customer (the “Customer”) that has an active account on e-satisfaction platform for the provisioning of services (the “Service” or “Services”) required to support and sustain e-satisfaction.
This Agreement remains valid until superseded by a revised agreement.
This Agreement outlines the parameters of all services (Product, Data and Managed services) covered as they are mutually understood by the primary stakeholders. This Agreement does not supersede current processes and procedures unless explicitly stated herein.
2. Goals and Objectives
The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent service support and delivery to the Customer(s) by the Service Provider(s).
The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for any service provision between the Service Provider(s) and Customer(s).
The objectives of this Agreement are to:
- Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities.
- Present a clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer.
- Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery.
3. Stakeholders
The following Service Provider(s) and Customer(s) will be used as the basis of the Agreement and represent the primary stakeholders associated with this SLA:
Service Provider(s): e-satisfaction SA (“Provider”)
Customer(s): Any customer with an active account (“Customer”)
4. Periodic Review
This Agreement is valid from the Effective Date outlined herein and is valid until further notice. This Agreement should be reviewed at a minimum once per fiscal year; however, in lieu of a review during any period specified, the current Agreement will remain in effect.
The Business Relationship Manager (“Document Owner”) is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. Contents of this document may be amended as required, provided mutual agreement is obtained from the primary stakeholders and communicated to all affected parties. The Document Owner will incorporate all subsequent revisions and obtain mutual agreements / approvals as required.
Business Relationship Manager: e-satisfaction SA
Review Period: Bi-Yearly (6 months)
Previous Review Date: 2024–11-27
Next Review Date: 2025-06–01
5. Service Agreement
The following detailed service parameters are the responsibility of the Service Provider in the ongoing support of this Agreement.
5.1 Definitions
The following terms in this SLA shall have the meanings specified below. Any terms not defined herein shall have the meaning attributed to them in paid-service orders and agreements. In this SLA the singular includes the plural and vice versa; the words “month”, “year”, and “quarter” mean a calendar month, calendar year, and calendar quarter, unless otherwise stated; and the word “including” (or any analogous word or phrase) means “including without limitation”.
Service Level Agreement (SLA): This Customer Service Level Agreement (SLA) that identifies the features and defines the processes involved with the delivery by e-satisfaction of various support functions to Customer.
Business Day: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Eastern European Time (EET) & Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) accordingly, not including Saturday, Sunday, or public holidays in Greece (check corresponding section).
Degraded Performance: A lower quality of service as described in this SLA (e.g. temporarily broken, sporadic, or temporarily unavailable functionality).
Downtime: The period of time during which an service is wholly unavailable to customers, including maintenance occurring outside of maintenance windows for which less than 24 hours’ notice was provided to affected customers. However, downtime shall not include: 1. Scheduled Maintenance; 2. Degraded Performance; 3. Factors outside of’s control, including any Force Majeure Events; 4. Failures, acts, or omissions of’s upstream providers; 5. Failures of the internet; 6. Acts or omissions of Customer and its Users; and 7. Enforcement of Regulations.
Support Center / Knowledge Base / Customer Portal: The Support Portal is a service and support tool, and knowledge base that provides answers to frequently asked questions about the platform. Customers can submit tickets, view ticket status, and communicate with support staff directly in the Support Portal. In addition,’s knowledge base includes video tutorials, articles, tips / best practices guides, workflows, user manuals, and other helpful information. The Help Center is continuously publicly available (unless under maintenance) for customers.
Maintenance Windows: Monday through Friday, 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. EE(S)T.
Scheduled Maintenance: Planned outages, either suspending service in full or in part, which will endeavor to announce at least 5 days in advance and in any case will announce no later than 24 hours in advance, which will not exceed a reasonable period of time for the maintenance required and which, where possible, shall take place during maintenance windows.
SLA Effective Date: The date that is annotated on this article that this agreement is effective, and starts with the customer’s subscription with
Request / Ticket: An electronic request sent to by customers (e.g. requesting a bug fix or solution to an incident or a custom feature / professional service request).
First Response: Addressing the initial request and taking ownership of the issue.
First Response Time (FRT): A measurement of time elapsed between receiving a service alert and the time of acknowledging that we received it and start working on it.
Response Time: A measurement of time elapsed between receiving a service alert or request and the time of commencing resolution work on the issue.
Resolution Time: The period of time that elapses from the response time until the ticket is resolved. In case the request is escalated to a new level, the resolution time is adjusted based on the new level.
Incident: An incident is an unplanned event or disruption that affects the normal functioning of a system or app.
Bug: A bug refers to an error, flaw, or unintended behavior in a software application or system. If a bug causes service disruption, it is promoted to Incident.
Uptime: The percentage of hours of the total operating hours of the service that the service is available to users (operational hours – non-operational hours / total hours).
Level 1 Support: Level 1 support includes basic product and service troubleshooting that does not require technical or otherwise expertise on the platform and it is based on the user experience and way of working of the product. If the request is not resolved on level 1, it will be escalated to level 2. Example: I can’t access my account. Expected response: redirect the user to the forgot password flow and include relevant knowledge base articles.
Level 2 Support: Level 2 support includes advanced product and service troubleshooting where a product specialist will participate and configure the service and/or product for the user accordingly, using tools that might not be available to the customer. If the request is not resolved on level 2, it will be escalated to level 3. Example: Change a template question across all questionnaires. Expected response: We are moving with changing this question internally for your template, and propagate all the changes to your questionnaires.
Level 3 Support: Level 3 support includes troubleshooting where engineering needs to be involved to resolve an existing issue or provide guidance and/or insights. A level 3 support does not necessarily mean that a reported bug will be resolved, but it means that the engineering team will be involved. There is no higher level of support for resolving customer requests. Example: Queue items are not delivered, what is the problem? Expected response: Deep dive into internal logs to provide more information as to why this happens and provide guidance for solving this problem through the app configuration.
5.2 Support Availability
Support is available via in-app chat and dedicated support email (as indicated in the Contact Information section) during normal business hours (from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. EET/EEST) with an initial response time of 1 business day.
Coverage parameters specific to the service(s) covered in this Agreement are as follows:
Chat / Email support |
Monitored 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday – Friday (EET/EEST) Requests received outside of office hours will be collected, however no action can be guaranteed until the next working day. |
5.3 Contact Information
If the Customer wishes to report an Incident, the Customer must contact e-satisfaction via the channels below. Depending on the priority level, date and time, different channels can be used by Customer to enable e-satisfaction to process Incident reports effectively. e-satisfaction uses a Support Portal where Customers may report Incidents. The Support Portal is a ticket system where Customers may report Incidents by creating a new support ticket.
Channel |
Location |
Availability |
Help Center |
Business Hours |
Business Hours |
Web Chat |
Business Hours |
Support Portal | |
Business Hours |
Statuspage |
24/7 |
5.4 Agreement Levels
5.4.1 Customer Support
Unless it’s defined otherwise by custom subscription and a paid support plan by the customer, the default response and resolution times based on the level of support are configured as follows:
Support Level |
First Response Time (FRT) |
Resolution Time |
Level 1 Support |
1 business day |
2 business days |
Level 2 Support |
1 business day |
3-5 business days |
Level 3 Support |
1 business day |
5-7 business days |
Response and Resolution times by criticality:
Criticality |
First Response Time (FRT) |
Resolution Time |
Critical (P1) |
30 minutes |
2-4 hours |
High (P2) |
4 hours |
1-2 business days |
Medium (P3) |
1 business day |
3-5 business days |
Low (P4) |
2 business days |
1 – 4 weeks, depending on priority |
How criticality is defined, based on impact and urgency:
Impact / Urgency |
High Urgency (No Workaround) |
Medium Urgency (Limited Workaround) |
Low Urgency (Full Workaround) |
High Impact (Affects all users, critical function down) |
Critical (P1) |
High (P2) |
Medium (P3) |
Medium Impact (Affects some users or key feature degraded) |
High (P2) |
Medium (P3) |
Low (P4) |
Low Impact (Minor usability issue, small bug) |
Medium (P3) |
Low (P4) |
Low (P4) |
The above times do NOT include bug resolution time and feature request implementation time. More on bug management, check the Incident Management section.
All requests that are submitted after the end of the business day will be handled and start counting from the next business day.
5.4.2 Service Uptime
Service uptime is guaranteed at 99.9%, based on our vendors and external services.
5.4.3 Incident Management
Bugs and incidents are handled separately from other requests, based on their severity.
Incidents are categorized on the following levels:
- Major Outage / Critical: Service is inaccessible by you.
- Partial Outage / High: Service is operational, but you are experiencing loss of major functionality
- Degraded Performance / Medium: Sporadic Service behavior – non-essential functions are disabled.
And their handling times accordingly:
Incident Level |
Acknowledgement |
Update Frequency |
Resolution Time |
Major Outage |
15 minutes |
Every 30 minutes |
1 hour |
Partial Outage |
30 minutes |
Every hour |
2 hours |
Degraded Performance |
1 hour |
Every hour |
6 hours |
All incidents are acknowledged and reported on our status page:
Bugs that are not promoted to Incidents are added to the Product Backlog and will be addressed based on their impact and reach.
5.5 Professional Services
Professional Services include both Managed Services and Data Services, and are handled under the same response times of Level 2 Support, given a 3-5 business day resolution time (unless effort agreed exceeds resolution time), unless scheduled otherwise, in collaboration with the Customer.
Any custom customer-specific managed service agreement overrides the above agreed time, based on needs, scheduling and effort estimation of the agreed / requested services.
5.6 SLA Exclusions
This SLA and any applicable service levels do not apply to any performance or availability issues:
- Due to factors outside of our reasonable control (for example, a network or device failure external to our data centers, including at your site or between your site and the Services we provide);
- That resulted from your use of hardware, software, or services not provided by us as part of the Services (for example, customizations or extensions developed by third parties, third-party software, or services purchased from any other vendor);
- Due to your use of the Services in a manner inconsistent with the features and functionality of the Services (for example, attempts to perform operations that are not supported) or inconsistent with our published documentation or guidance;
- That resulted from faulty input, instructions, or arguments (for example, requests to access files that do not exist);
- Caused by your use of the Services after we advised you to modify your use of the Services, if you did not modify your use as advised;
- That resulted from your attempts to perform operations that exceed prescribed quotas or that resulted from our throttling of suspected abusive behaviour; or
- Attributable to acts by persons gaining unauthorized access to the Services by means of your Login Credentials or equipment or otherwise resulting from your failure to follow appropriate security practices.
5.7 Holiday List and Time Zone
All operations and agreements are handled within the Eastern European Time (EET) & Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) accordingly.
Besides business days, as defined in the Definitions sections, below you can check the operating hours and days throughout a year:
Name |
Datetime |
Operational Status |
Weekdays |
Monday – Friday |
10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. (EET/EEST) |
Weekends |
Saturday – Sunday |
Closed |
New Year’s Day |
1 January |
Closed |
Epiphany |
6 January |
Closed |
Clean Monday |
moveable (day after Orthodox Carnival) |
Closed |
Independence Day |
25 March |
Closed |
Good Friday |
moveable (day before Orthodox Easter) |
Closed |
Easter Monday |
moveable (day after Orthodox Easter) |
Closed |
Labour Day |
1 May |
Closed |
Dormition of the Mother of God |
15 August |
Closed |
Ohi Day |
28 October |
Closed |
Christmas Day |
25 December |
Closed |
Glorifying Mother of God |
26 December |
Closed |